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Member of Parliament in Portrait: Christina Baum (AfD)

Member of Parliament in Portrait: Christina Baum (AfD)
Dr. Christina Baum (AfD)

Dr. Christina Baum (AfD)

© Portrait: AfD | Bundestag: Kay Nietfeld / dpa / picture alliance

Dentist Dr. Christina Baum has been a member of the Bundestag since 2021, when she was elected via the AfD's state list in Baden-Württemberg. She had already sat in the state parliament there from 2016 to 2021. In the current election, the 68-year-old won the direct mandate in the Harz constituency in Saxony-Anhalt after not being included on the AfD's Baden-Württemberg state list. In the current Bundestag, she is a member of the Health Committee and a deputy member of the Global Health Subcommittee.

Baum studied dentistry at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig and at the Medical Academy in Erfurt. She received her doctorate from the University of Würzburg in 1990. She practiced as a dentist in Lauda-Königshofen in the north-east of Baden-Württemberg.

The married mother of one daughter has been a member of the AfD since 2013. Among other things, she was deputy state chairwoman of the AfD in Baden-Württemberg and also an assessor on the AfD federal executive board. (bar)



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