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Diabetes Bonus 2025, the requirements to obtain it

Diabetes Bonus 2025, the requirements to obtain it

Those who suffer from diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, know how important it is to keep this disease under control. The disease changes the daily life of patients who often have to undergo insulin therapy and monitor their values ​​to avoid the risk of even more disabling consequences such as nephropathy, retinopathy and maculopathy. Also for 2025, INPS has confirmed the so-called "Diabetes Bonus", a financial contribution reserved for people who suffer more or less seriously from diabetes.

The data

Almost 4 million Italians live with type 2 diabetes, approximately 6% of the population. It is estimated that approximately 1.5 million people affected by the disease that has not yet been diagnosed could be added to this number. There are approximately 300 thousand Italians affected by type 1 diabetes, 0.5% of the population. These are the data from the National Observatory on the Use of Medicines (OsMed) on monitoring the consumption of diabetes drugs contained in the Report to Parliament 2023 on the state of knowledge and new acquisitions on the disease. Report sent to Parliament on 17 September and published on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Who can receive the diabetes bonus

For this reason, for many patients the 2025 diabetes bonus represents an important support. Who is entitled to it and how to request it? UniCiv, the Civil Disabled Union, answers these questions.

"In certain cases, you can benefit from the diabetes allowance - reminds UniCiv, the Union of Civil Disabled Persons -. The pathology must be certified by the INPS Medical Commission, which will assign a degree of disability. By virtue of the percentage assigned, you are entitled to various types of assistance and/or economic aid. For some economic benefits, specific age and income requirements are required".

Specifically, those affected by: type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, with micro-macroangiopathic complications and medium-grade clinical manifestations, can apply for the diabetes bonus. For this reason, there is a disability between 41% and 50%; insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, with poor metabolic control and hyperlipidemia, not treatable with normal therapies. In this case, there is a disability between 51% and 60%; nephropathy, retinopathy and maculopathy, considered disabling between 91% and 100%.

Establishing disability

"The civil disability allowance of the diabetes bonus, which is due to those who have a certified disability greater than 74%, has a value that goes from a minimum of 315 euros to a maximum of 525 euros, for 13 months", recalls UniCiv.

To request it, "the first thing to do is go to your family doctor. The latter will prescribe a series of tests and visits necessary to certify the disease and start the application process - concludes the association - Once in possession of the medical tests, these must be delivered to the doctor, who will proceed to send them to the INPS. Following this procedure, the doctor will give the patient the receipt of the operation and a copy of the original medical certificate".



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